Thinking of selling your AUSTRALIAN property in 2025? New CGT Rules for Expats Explained.
For Australian expatriates planning on selling real estate in Australia, there is a very different tax outcome for an Australian expatriate selling his Australian property as a non resident and selling as an Australia tax resident. Click on the link for an update.
Welcoming 2025 (and a personal reflection from 2024)
International relocation and repatriation planning to Australia. Director of InterRetire. Helping senior expatriates, migrants and their families plan their return or relocation to Australia.
January 10, 2025
Happy New Year!
With Christmas and New Year celebrations out of the way, Chinese New Year just a few weeks away and holiday season over for some, another year lies ahead of us all.
We wish you and yours a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.
To those people who have suffered the loss of a loved one, had health issues, or other hardships in 2024 we sincerely hope your New Year brings happier times and is a big improvement on last year.
On the business front, in 2024, I used the LinkedIn platform to share ideas for expatriates, migrants, and their families planning a move to Australia. I tapped into the network of tax advisors we collaborate with across the country.
Based on the feedback, meetings, and clients we assisted, I plan to share brief updates and insights on a more regular basis in 2025.
A highlight in 2024
The latter part of 2024 brought some memorable personal and professional experiences for me, including trips to Japan, Vietnam, and Cambodia.
My Interretire colleague and son Alex helped develop many new professional relationships in Asia during the year which led to our trips to Japan, Vietnam, and Cambodia and he also joined me in Singapore and Hong Kong for client face to face meetings.
Alex is passionate about all things Japanese and has visited Japan many times. He researched business opportunities and organised a trip to Japan to meet existing and potential new clients. My wife Maureen and I extended our stay exploring Tokyo, Takayama, Osaka, Kyoto and Hiroshima with side trips to Nara, Miyajima Island and Himeji. Beautiful scenery, exquisite temples and friendly people and motivating us to return again soon.
In November and December, I visited Vietnam and Cambodia. The trip began with business engagements and was followed by sightseeing with Maureen. Highlights in Vietnam included Hanoi, Ha Long Bay, Hue, and Hoi An.
A standout experience in Cambodia was watching the sunrise at Angkor Wat (often referred to as the "Eighth Wonder of the World”) followed by exploring the temple and the surrounding archaeological wonders near the serene town of Siem Reap.
Angkor Wat Siem Reap Cambodia
Having lived in Indonesia for a decade and travelled extensively throughout Asia, this was our first visit to Vietnam and Cambodia. We were captivated by the warmth of the people, the rich culture, and the incredible cuisine.
Maureen and I clocked up a lot of steps exploring temples, Pagodas, markets and cities like Hanoi. Maureen did a remarkable job getting around having had surgery only 11 days prior. We were also fortunate to have our own driver and knowledgeable tour guide on each leg of the trip giving us a wonderful introduction to these captivating countries.
As mentioned above, I plan to share brief Australian focused repatriation updates and insights on a more regular basis in 2025.
If there are any specific areas or questions, please do hesitate to Direct Message me or email or text (contact details below).
Best wishes
Dale Hoy
m) +61 419 364 994
Here are 3 ways I assist Australian expats plan their repatriation.
1 Download my checklist on the 7 key areas for Australian expatriates to start exploring with their advisor.
2 Register for upcoming Round Table- Repatriation Ready: Tax Insights for Australians Returning from Asia" Wednesday 12th March, 2025 at 7-7.45 pm HK/Singapore time/8.00pm Tokyo time.
3 Book a private conversation with me at your convenience.